Fix your parking lot with our
Asphalt Patching and Repair service

Have a localized asphalt problem area in your parking lot?
A problem with potholes? Asphalt Patching may be just what you need. Sable Asphalt will evaluate your parking lot to determine the type of pavement repair that will be necessary. Depending on the situation, sometimes a surface asphalt patching is all that is required.If you’re starting to get cracks…
A very economical way to preserve your pavement is to seal the cracks. The process includes filling cracks a ¼ inch and wider with a filler heated to 300 degrees. This rubberized heated material is applied hot to the crack and then V Squeegeed into the crack to create a rubber bridge. However, this process is not intended for alligator areas in the pavement.
For more, read these blog posts:
Paving Patches and Repairs Explained and, A Crack is a Pothole Waiting to Happen
Contact Us to schedule your Free Evaluation.
We come out to your property and perform a complete evaluation of your asphalt. We look for potholes and areas that show sign of deterioration. We then compile a detailed quotation for your review.
Quality Guaranteed, Fully Insured and Certified

Our Promise to Clients:
- Competitive pricing and quality work delivered on schedule
- To provide an experienced team, dedicated to quality workmanship
- To stand behind our work, equipment, and materials
Service Type
Asphalt Patching and Repair
Provider Name
Sable Asphalt & Concrete,
741 Tallmadge Rd.,Kent,Ohio-44240,
Telephone No.1.800.528.9078
Telephone No.1.800.528.9078
Northeast Ohio
DescriptionWe can quickly fix a localized asphalt problem, such as a pothole, with our patching and repair services.